My House of Dreams

Who doesn't love Anne of Green Gables? As a child, "Anne girl" was one of my favorite characters. I loved everything about her, from her red hair and freckles to her non-stop imagination. It wasn't until I was an adult that I discovered that there were seven Anne books. I was so excited! I immediately read them all and fell in love with her all the more. I mean, what's not to love? She is intelligent, kind, loving, passionate, and loves God. L.M. Montgomery created one of the world's most lovable characters who became a lifelong kindred spirit. 

Anne has had such a huge impact on my life that I decided to name my business after a place in the first book. Willowmere Designs is where I design, make, and sell jewelry and art to help support my family and bring a little more beauty into this world. I've also decided to name my blog after one of the books, House of Dreams. Why would I name my blog that? Well, I am living in my House of Dreams at this moment. Yes, it's a fixer-upper. There is always a project to be done and something is always breaking. My kids draw on the walls and there is never a peaceful moment. But a perfect home isn't one that is perfectly clean or quiet; it isn't where people are always happy and never fight. A perfect home is where everyone feels loved and accepted, where encouragement can always be found, and where everyone knows they can always grow and learn. That's the home that my husband and I desire to make for our family. Yes, we mess up. Yes, we get tired and angry. But, we will never give up because we know that God has a plan for us. 

So this blog will be about all of the realness in my life. I'll talk about the struggles, frustrations, and joys of being a mom of four. I'll do my best to explain the exhaustion of trying to start a successful business from home while living on a budget. And, above all else, the challenge of raising four kids in the faith while always falling short ourselves. 

I do not want my blog to be a place of judgment or envy. There is enough of that out in the world. If you are looking for a place of encouragement, insight, and possibly a few laughs then this is the place for you. Let's be a community of people who want to lift one another up and help each other along the way because we know that this life is crazy and we all need a little help to make it through. 

Has there been someone in your life who has had a major impact on your life, real or fictional? 

Do you have a specific topic you would like to hear me talk about? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. I know I might be a bit biased but I love this! I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. God's got a great plan for you and your family! Love you! Mom

    1. Thanks mom! I tried replying when you first posted this by the way, and it didn't work =(

  2. You're probably wondering, is Bridget reading this? Yes I am and I love it...


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