Call Me Crazy


As I write this, I have a four-year-old in my lap. She is touching the keyboard and playing with my hands. She is pretending to slide down my lap playfully shouting "Help! I'm falling!" And then makes me drag her back up. 90% of the time I spend at the computer, I have someone on my lap, hanging on my arm, playing with my hair, or yelling at me from across the house. Who can relate? 

Raising a child is not easy. Raising multiple is definitely not a walk in the park on a rainy day. Doing it while trying to run a business is in its own category of nearly impossible. Any parent who works from home knows that it is not a 9-5 job (Can I get an AMEN from parental victims of 2020?). You don't get to clock in and focus on your work while getting those helpful breaks that consist of quality adult conversations throughout the day. You don't get to clock out at 5 and head home where you can focus on family and home and shut off your work brain. I'm not saying all 9-5 jobs are that way. I am just saying that working from home with kids is NEVER that way. I don't get to sleep in or work in my PJs. I don't get a 30-minute lunch break to relax and recharge. I wake up at 5:30 every morning so that I can have some time to myself during which I try to get stuff done. Once the clock strikes 8, it is game on. I will have a kid hanging on my arm nearly every minute for the next 12 hours. I will work in spurts of 10 - 15 minutes as my kids beg for my attention. I will stumble over mess after mess. I will say the words "Please clean up" to deaf ears about 1 million times. Just when I get in the flow of things, my two-year-old will walk past, stinky diaper wafting bad smells behind him. And chances are good that I won't finish half of what I want to get done. Don't even get me started on hearing the word "mama" when I am trying to focus on work. If I had a nickel for every time my kids said the word "mama", I would never have to work again.

My days are a constant challenge of trying to get work done while helping my children lead active and healthy lives, refereeing fights, and not losing my mind. I also have chores and dinners and errands (which I can't run with the kids now). And in just two weeks I get to add virtual learning to that package. And the absolutely insane thing is, call me crazy, but I LOVE IT! 

Ok, I am not actually crazy, although a lot of you are probably thinking it. But the truth is, in between all of those fights, messes, and "mommy"s are all the moments I wouldn't trade for the world. I get the joy of watching my kids grow and learn, laugh and love, and be the wonderfully silly and beautiful creations that God meant them to be. Being a mom is messy business. Sometimes it is entirely gross and smells really REALLY bad. I have days where I want to scream and pull my hair out. Somedays I actually do. I am never done laundry or dishes. I never have a peaceful moment in my own house. But it is worth every moment! 

As for the business side of things, I love that too! I love imagining new things and seeing them come to life. I love the thought of bringing a little bit more beauty into the lives of others, even if it is just in a simple piece of jewelry. And I love using abilities to help provide for and take care of my family. And one day, when my kids are a little bit older, maybe this will all be a little bit easier. 

What do you all think? Do you have the same struggles I do? Do you have tips and tricks for more easily balancing work and family when you work from home? If you like my blog, please hit subscribe and share it on Social Media. Also, don't forget to check out my shop! 


  1. Time for creativity and working on a job in addition to a mother's responsiblities can be God-given and important. With God's daily grace, we all work for the goal of peace and harmony in our homes--which I think are meant to be pictures of heaven. But the past 6 months have been difficult for parents of young children, and for the children, also. It has been a trial; people are stressed and tired and uncertain. Blessings to you and your readers who are seeking to bring beauty into the world as well as create beautiful peaceful homes. -LCN


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